Caring, Learning, Excelling Together

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Welcome to Rathmore Primary School & Nursery

We give a special welcome to our new children across the year groups and of course all of our new 2024-2025 P1 and Nursery children

Rathmore PS and Nursery are on the journey towards transforming to a Controlled Integrated School in September 2025 as 82.3% of our parents voted ‘Yes’ to this direction in June 2023. Last year, Governors and staff explored what this will look like for our school and completed the formal Public Development Plan Process. This year, as we await the Minister of Education’s approval, we will continue to work closely with EA, NICIE and IEF to reflect on our current school culture and plan for this exciting step as a school community.

As a UNICEF Rights’ Respecting school and one on the Transformation journey to become an Integrated School, we understand the responsibility we share with you as parents and guardians, to guide and support our children as they grow and develop their skills of independence, self-management, personal responsibility, confidence and self-esteem.

At Rathmore, we believe that a caring climate, where every pupil feels safe, secure and valued, is the foundation for effective learning, both within class and throughout our whole school community. We are pleased to support families by offering a Wrap-Around Care option from 8am to 5:45pm daily, with holiday provision in collaboration with YMCA (West Church).

We look forward to planning whole school events again this year, to celebrate as a community, key points of our children’s success.

We remain grateful to our PTA Fundraising Committee whose financial help last year provided outdoor space resources and classroom resources to enhance our children’s learning.

On behalf of the staff and governors of Rathmore Primary School, thank you for your ongoing support. Keep up-to-date with current information with our Newsletters, See-Saw, Videos, Facebook & Twitter feeds.

Yours sincerely,

Julie M Hardy


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At Rathmore, we believe in giving our pupils a first class education, focused on a child-centred approach to learning. Across all three key stages, Rathmore pupils learn the knowledge, skills and attitudes that they will need to live

Foundation Stage

As the name suggests, the Foundation Stage (P1 & P2) puts in place the building blocks for a lifetime of learning. Through practical activity, pupils have the freedom to explore, create and experience learning in a variety of contexts. The basis for learning at this stage is play. Pupils are encouraged to engage in a wide range of play-based activities that will form the basis for effective communication and early literacy and numeracy concepts.  The teaching staff and classroom assistants work as a team to provide a structured yet flexible programme in line with the Northern Ireland Curriculum.

Key Stage 1

During P3 and P4, pupils consolidate the early literacy and numeracy concepts. Through guided and shared lessons, they develop independence in reading and writing, and extend their understanding of mathematical concepts. It is this knowledge that pupils begin to apply to problem solving with support from the teaching staff. It is at this stage that formal assessment begins further shaping the provision each child receives. The cross-curricular skills of Communication, Using Mathematics and Using ICT are assessed at the end of this Key Stage.

Key Stage 2

The final three years of the primary school phase culminate in the preparation for transition to the secondary phase. P5, P6 and P7 combine the acquisition of knowledge with the development of skills to form independent, confident learners who can use multiple approaches to problem-solving. In a challenging and supportive environment, teachers integrate practical activity with direct instruction to cultivate the learning and attitudes to learning that empowers pupils to be responsible decision-makers and successful in the future. The Key Stage 2 phase embeds effective assessment of the cross-curricular skills throughout, further identifying the abilities of each pupil.